Dr. Jayanta Borkakoti : Morigaon College

Basic Details
Name Dr. Jayanta Borkakoti
Designation Assistant Professor
Department Name Botany
Qualification M.Sc, Ph.D, PGDEPI (IIPH, New Delhi), Post. Doc.
Mobile No 9555684998
Email ID borkakoti.jayanta@gmail.com

Contact Details
C/ O Department of Botany House No Morigaon Colleg
Village / Town Name Ghasbari Post Office Morigaon
Police Station Morigaon District Morigaon
State Assam Pin Code 782105

Academic Qualification
Sl No Examination Passed Name of the Board / University Year of Passing Percentage of Marks Division / Class / Grade Subject
1 HSLC Secondary Education Board of Assam(SEBA) 2002 No Data Available First Maths,Science,Advance Maths,Social Studies,English,Hindi 4, English 3
2 Higher Secondary AHSEC 2004 No Data Available First Physics,Chemistry,Biology,Maths,English,Alternative English
3 BSc.(Honours) Gauhati University 2007 No Data Available First Clas Botany(Honours),Chemistry,English,Environmental science
4 MSc. Gauhati University 2009 No Data Available First Botany (Special paper in Microbiology)
5 PhD Work done in Maulana Azad Medical College, University of Delhi, New De 2015 No Data Available No Data Available No Data Available

Teaching Experience
Teaching Experience in years Area of specialization Courses and Subject Taught
4 Microbiology, Viruses, Cancer Biology Plant Microbiology, Plant Biotechnology, Industrial and Environmental Microbiology, Analytical Techn

Duties performed other than Teaching Learning & Social Responsibility
Sl No Activities / Duties
1 External Evaluator in Morigaon District, Gunotsav 2023
2 Nodal Teacher in Charge of the Y20/G20 events of Morigaon District,2023
3 Judge in the Sports (Chess Competition) organized in the Annual College Week of Morigaon College,2023 by the Morigaon Students Union,2022-2023..
4 Counting Assistant in the Morigaon College Students Union Election,2022-2023 held on 02 November,2022.
5 Invited as Resource Person to deliver a speech on Innovation in Indian Context: A Roadmap for Young Minds" on the eve of National Innovation Day on 15th October,2022.
6 Invited as Resource Person for a popular Talk on the Occasion of World Wildlife Day in the Department of Zoology,Morigaon College on 3rd March,2023.

Participatory Activities
Sl No Types of Activity Description
1 National Seminar on “Exploration, utilization and strategy action plan for sustainable management of plant resources” organised by Department of Botany, Gauhati University and sponsored by Ministry of Attended the National Seminar in the year 2007
2 Participation in One day IPR Worshop One day IPR workshop organised by the IPR Cell,IQAC,Morigaon College on Nov 5,2022.
3 International Worshop Participated in one day International Workshop on Applied Analysis(IWAA) organized by the Department of Mathematics,Morigaon College on 24th November,2022.
4 International Seminar International Seminar on Green Literature and Philosophy: Texts,Contexts and Arguments(ISGLPTCA) organized by Department of English and Philosophy,Morigaon College on 20 th and 21st Decemebr,2022.
5 Examiner Internal Examiner for 3rd Sem Botany Honours CBCS(Practical Examination),2022

Paper presented in Conferences, Seminars and Workshops
Sl No Year Title of the Paper presented Title of the Conference / Seminar Organized by Whether International / National / State level
1 2012 Viral Load Of Hepatitis E Virus: A Key Agent In Acute Liver Failure During Pregnancy United European Gastroenterology Week (UEGW) United European Gastroenterology Federation, Amsterdam, Netherlands International
2 2013 Impact of TNFSF6 and TNFRSF6 genes in HCV related liver diseases Annual Conference of the Indian National Association for the Study of Liver INASL Indian National Association for the Study of Liver (INASL), Hyderabad, India. National
3 2013 Impact of Notch-3 and Notch-4 Genes in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Annual meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology AASLD,San Diego,California Interntional
4 2014 “Do Nucleotide Substitutions in the Hepatitis E Virus Genome Play a Key Agent in Acute Liver Failure?” Annual Conference of the Asian Pacific Association for The Study of the Liver Asian Pacific Association for The Study of the Liver (APASL),Brisbane,Australia International
5 2015 “Do molecular alterations in the HEV genome play a key role in acute liver failure?” European Association of the Study of Liver(EASL) International Liver Congress (ILC), Vienna, Austria International
6 2015 Expression Analysis of PTF 1a in Patients of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Annual Conference of the Indian National Association for the Study of Liver INASL INASL, New Delhi, India National
7 2016 A novel D29N mutation in the HEV methyltransferase region in patients with acute liver failure from North India International Symposium on HIV and Hepatitis, September South Asian University, New Delhi India. International
8 2018 Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Virus in Liver Disease Patients and Blood Donors from Northern India Annual Conference of the American Association of the Study of Liver Diseases American Association of the Study of Liver Diseases,California,USA International
9 2023 Role of COVID-19 in Creating a Paradigm Shift in Higher Education Two day National Seminar on Quality Enhancement & Quality Sustenance in Higher Education Institutions(QEQSHEI) on 24th and 25th January,2023 sponsored by NAAC IQAC, Morigaon College National

Published Papers in Journal
Sl No Year Title with Page nos Journal Published Date ISSN/ISBN No.
1 2013 Does high viral load of hepatitis E virus influence the severity and prognosis of acute liver failure during pregnancy? Journal of Medical Virology 2013 Apr; 85(4):620-6. doi:10.1002/jmv.23508.Epub 1096-9071
2 2014 Novel molecular alterations in the ORF 2 capsid gene of hepatitis E virus in patients with acute liver failure in North India. Archives of Virology 2014 Dec; 159(12):3391-4. doi: 10.1007/s00705-0 0304-8608
3 2015 Molecular medicine techniques in the detection of viral hepatitis. Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health 2015 2277-9604
4 2016 Role of HEV antigen detection in HEV related acute viral hepatitis and acute liver failure. Journal of Medical Virology Dec;88(12):2179-2185. doi: 10.1002/jmv.24567. Ep 1096-9071
5 2016 Report of a novel C1483W mutation in the hepatitis E virus polymerase in patients with acute liver failure. Infection Genetics and Evolution 2016 Jun 15; 44:51-54. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2016. 1567-1348
6 2017 Report of novel H105R, D29N, V27A mutations in the methyltransferase region of the HEV genome in patients with acute liver failure. Journal of Cinical Virology 2017 Mar 20; 91:1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2017.03.01 1386-6532
7 2017 The CpG dinucleotide content of the HIV-1 envelope gene may predict disease progression. Nature Scientific Reports 2017 Aug 15; 7(1):8162. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08 2045-2322
8 2018 Identification of tell-tale patterns in the 3' non-coding region of hantaviruses that distinguish HCPS-causing hantaviruses from HFRS-causing hantaviruses Emerging Microbes ad Infections (Taylor and Francis) Impact Factor=19.568 (2021) 2018 Mar 21; 7(1):32. doi: 10.1038/s41426-018-0027 2222-1751
9 2018 Effect of Certain Natural Products/Plants against Hepatitis viruses Avishkar Publishers 2018 ISBN-978-81-7910-570-2(2018)
10 2020 A 5-year Single-Center Experience of Hepatitis E Virus Infection During Pregnancy. Journal of Clinical and Expermental Hepatology 2020 Mar-Apr;10(2):135-138. doi: 10.1016/j.jceh.20 0973-6883
11 2021 Human immunodeficiency virus and human cytomegalovirus coinfection of infant tonsil epithelium may synergistically promote both HIV-1 and HCMV spread and infection Journal of Virology (Impact Factor -6.54) 2021 Jul 7:JVI0092121. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00921-21. 1098-5514(Online)
12 2021 Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C Virus in Liver Disease Patients and Blood Donors from Northern India. Tropical Gastroenterology 2021 Dec 0250-636X

Training Courses, Teaching Learning Evaluation Technology Programs, Faculty Development Programmes
Sl No Year Programme Name Duration Organized by

Workshop Attended
Sl No Year Title of the Workshop Duration Organized by
1 2009 Training course on “Current trends in Bioinformatics training and research” 10-12th August, 2009 Bioinformatics Centre, Gauhati University sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
2 2014 INDO-US Workshop on “Challenges of Emerging Infections and Global Health Safety” November 18-20 Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi
3 2015 Hands on Training on "Molecular cloning and expression of recombinant protein" 18-20th, March National Institute of Pathology, ICMR, Safdarjung Hospital Campus, New Delhi, India.
4 2018 Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis: Integrating genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics data for potential therapeutic target discovery 26th Feb – 01st March ICMR-NIOP, Safdurjung Hospital, New Delhi, India

Webinar Attended
Sl No Year Title of the Webinar Organized by
1 6th to 10t 23rd International AIDS Conference,2020 University of California San Francisco(UCSF),USA